OffshoreConnect 2024 ⚓🌊: The maritime conference for offshore wind expansion in October

The maritime conference for offshore wind expansion in the Baltic Sea kicked off on the evening of the OCRecruiting Day with an offshore wind dinner🚢 and on October 16, the OC conference for 🌊Offshore Wind & ⚓Maritime Industry will begin at the Kurhaus in Rostock-Warnemünde.
Offshore Connect builds bridges 🌉 for regional value creation 💪 in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern & Lower Saxony. OffshoreConnect, an event organized by WindAdvice (Martina Köhn & Kathleen Zander) and Offshore Wind Kommunikation, brought together trade visitors and experts from the future-oriented industries of offshore wind, shipbuilding and steel construction. At the end of the Recruiting Day on 15.10. and at the start of the conference on 16.10. there was an offshore dinner as a networking event🤝 on the water 👉 Reinhard Meyer, Minister for Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Employment MV: “The energy transition offers Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, as a windy coastal state, enormous economic opportunities for the future, which we want to exploit with determination. This includes the rapid expansion of wind turbines in the Baltic Sea. The wind farms off our coasts supply the green electricity that Germany needs for the transformation. At the same time, the Baltic Sea wind provides Mecklenburg-Vorpommern with the best arguments for the establishment of new industrial projects and well-paid industrial jobs. Offshore-Connect connects all stakeholders, companies and specialists and thus makes an important contribution to our joint success.” Lower Saxony’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Transport, Building and Digitalization, Olaf Lies: “Even before Russia’s attack on Ukraine, we knew that Germany’s secure energy supply was largely dependent on our coastal states.

The locations in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Lower Saxony in particular are the basis for the urgently needed offshore expansion. Now is the time for the northern states and the federal government in particular to assume joint responsibility if we want to continue to make the infrastructure fit for the future. This is a central building block for the success of the energy transition, and we need formats such as Offshore Connect to exchange ideas about the future. Because industry follows energy – this means that the investments we are making today will have a magnet effect for further settlements and new, good jobs. Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are already gateways and hubs for renewable energies and therefore for sustainable business.” The Maritime Coordinator of the BMWK, Dieter Janecek, supported us with a digital greeting. 🙏🙏🙏 On 15 and 16 October, OffshoreConnect took place for the first time in Rostock-Warnemünde and I had the honor and great pleasure 😊 of being responsible for the conference program and moderation 🎤 on 16 October.

I was delighted 👏 and grateful 🙏🙏🙏 about the top-class💎speakers from fantastic companies and organizations who presented exciting contributions⚡also as part of the panel discussion for the expansion of offshore wind energy ⚓🌊on the Baltic Sea🤩 in the Kurhaus Warnemünde: NEPTUN WERFT, Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik e.V. (VSM), 50Hertz Transmission GmbH, TotalEnergies Germany, IG Metall Küste, Iberdrola Deutschland, OIS Offshore Industrie Service GmbH, Parkwind, Bachmann electronic GmbH/Monitoring GmbH, Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland e. V., EnBW, Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH, Steelwind Nordenham GmbH , Ministry of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Tourism and Labour Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Transport, Building and Digitization, Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency. 💙- Many thanks 🙏 to the sponsors & partners of OffshoreConnect: One of my personal 🌟highlights of the⚓🌊 OffshoreConnect conference day was the panel discussion: “Value Creation Baltic Sea – Maritime Industry & Offshore Wind Industry” with top-class🔝panelists from the 🌊⚓offshore wind industry, the maritime industry and the steel industry.

Key questions included the following:
👉 What course needs to be set for more value creation in the offshore wind industry, the maritime industry and the steel industry in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Hashtag#Lower Saxony? What needs to happen so that more companies can increasingly 💪 participate in value creation?

👉 Will it be possible to achieve our expansion targets without a training and qualification offensive at federal level or EU-wide?

👉 How can the offshore wind tender and the Net Zero Industry Act be optimally designed? In my opinion, these and other questions can only be answered by representatives from the respective value chains. More employment and regional value creation through offshore wind, shipbuilding and steel construction, but how? The panelists Manfred Dittmer, Country Manager Germany PARKWIND JERA GROUP, Michael Pett, Dr. Michael Splett, Managing Director Technology / Managing Director CTO EnBW Erneuerbare Operation & Service GmbH, Dr. Henrich Quick, Heiko Messerschmidt, Jost Backhaus, Peter Lehmann, Martin Zappe sought answers and ideas from these experts from future industries.

The Net Zero Industry Act must be implemented this year and be reflected in the amendments to the Offshore Wind Energy Act.
The tender for offshore wind energy urgently needs to be adapted, and shipbuilding and the “green” steel industry must also be taken into account.
In addition to the OffshoreConnect recruiting day and company initiatives, we need comprehensive solutions to attract more skilled workers to the three industries. Thank you very much for the constructive ideas and the good exchange! Now it’s time for implementation.

Click here for the press release of the conference 👉 The meeting of mEErFrauen e.V. at the end of the event with a presentation by WindAdvice GmbH was a particular pleasure. We jointly organized the OffshoreConnect from Lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 🤝: WindAdvice GmbH & Offshore Wind Kommunikation.


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