The 7th specialist conference of the Netzimpedanz interest group:

The 7th specialist conference of the Netzimpedanz interest group:
Industry meets science was held under the overarching theme of NETWORKS, STABILITY AND FAILURE SAFETY and lived up to its mission:
Company representatives and scientists exchanged views on many topics of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection’s System Stability Roadmap. This outlines the path to secure operation of the electricity grid with 100% renewable energies.
Measures such as the market-based procurement of reactive power and the introduction of technical standards for power converters are crucial.

The Netzimpedanz interest group was supported for today’s conference by the Industrieverband Hamburg e.V., Offshore Wind Kommunikation and the Helmut Schmidt University/University of the Federal Armed Forces and the sponsors morEnergy GmbH, 50Hertz Transmission GmbH and OPAL-RT EUROPE.  It was a pleasure and an honor to moderate the main topics together with Dr. Do
Part 1 – An outlook on the industrial electricity of the future
Part 2 – Grids 4.0 – Effects of decentralized generation and modern consumers
Part 3 – Discussion Research meets industry.
The need for cooperation, joint projects and the clear potential for synergies in order to meet the challenges better and, above all, faster, became particularly apparent in the final panel discussion, which I (Offshore Wind Kommunikation) had the pleasure of moderating. Dr. Do from morEnergy, Heribert Hauck from Aurubis, Constantin Heck from 50hertz, Tobias Jersch, Fraunhofer IWES, Johannes von Schkopp TenneT TSO GmbH and Markus Dietmannsberger Innovation Manager at HanseWerk Group, representing Bastian Pfarrherr from Energienetze Hamburg, discussed the topic of grid stability: Phantom or real problem and how can the new findings from research support this?
A decisive key to success lies in the cooperation of all involved players from industry and research.
This is precisely where the idea of the Netzimpedanz interest group comes in.

Around 80 participants, including a few female participants, used the breaks for intensive networking.
The well-air-conditioned lecture hall in the Ingenieurwerk provided ideal conditions for a strikingly interactive conference.
All the experts presented their own particular perspective on the topic of grid stability.
In view of the expected increase in gross electricity demand as part of the transformation to a sustainable and climate-protecting economy, cooperation between all relevant players is an essential basis for implementing the best possible solutions.
The need for skilled workers is also an issue for all the stakeholders who will be speaking.
Cooperation between distribution grid and transmission grid operators and representatives from science and industry can be a key to a time-optimized transformation.

The day began with a colloquium on the conference topic with current scientific research results, moderated by Stephan Hoffmann from morEnergy.
This was followed by a survey of the participants’ interests and the further development of the Netzimpedanz interest group.
Further development depends on active participation.

Christian Becker Professor from the TUHH and Hubert Grimm, Managing Director of the Industrieverein Hamburg e.V. opened the conference with a welcome address.
I would always want to take over the moderation again because I was able to learn a lot.

The outlook provided by the BMWK and the various high-caliber presentations were inspiring and valuable for me and hopefully for all participants.

The network evening with live Brazilian music and very tasty Asian food in the Ingenieurwerk provided a very nice end to a really exciting, successful 7th conference of the Netzimpedanz interest group.

Many thanks to all speakers and participants!

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